I’m Sarah Davis.

Photo by Lauren Matysik

My Mission:

I help you find your voice, speak authentically, and build community through your podcast.

I am a storyteller with an ear to authentic voice. I have been spreading the message of the importance of compassion to my community during a time when we are all asking ourselves, “where is compassion in this world?” 


I have firsthand experience of being a podcaster, and I bring that to my work.

Since 2019, I have dedicated my creativity to the mission: de-stigmatizing grief and loss through open and authentic conversations, which is how Breathing Wind was born.

Breathing Wind spreads compassion through open conversations with guests about grief, loss, change and healing, and also through the overall message that it is OK to be vulnerable.

In 2021, I started working with members of the Breathing Wind community to host miniseries. To date, seven hosts have worked with me to produce episodes for Breathing Wind. I have taken what I’ve learned from working with these hosts and others to my consulting services.

“I so enjoy Sarah’s perspective (especially on our collaboration and stylistic differences). I feel proud and honored to have had this experience with her."

- Ken Breniman, LCSW, C-IAYT. Miniseries Host, Breathing Wind (2021)

I worked through the fear

I know what it feels like to feel the fear of hitting “publish” for the first time.

After graduating from Stanford University School of Education (MA, International Educational Administration and Policy Analysis, 2009), I pursued learning experience design as a career. For over 13 years, I dedicate part of my work life to creating high quality corporate training experiences.

I found it fulfilling to do my part in helping people succeed at their jobs. And, being learner-centric in my approach still informs my work today.

That said, my creative work in this area was often proprietary and I was unable to share it. It was also always highly reviewed and edited, and my authentic voice never made the final cut.

A focus on perfection meant I had a lot of fear of putting my personal voice out there, especially in an area that, while heart-centered, was not my expertise. Thankfully, I worked through the fear and hit publish for the first time.


My values

You may be wondering if we’re a good fit. Check out my values. Do we align?

  • I’m curious about everything. I am a lifelong learner. I learn best by asking questions and I might challenge you to think beyond how you already do things.

  • I don’t create alone. Collaborating keeps me inspired and fuels me. I love involving the whole community in what is getting created, especially the listeners.

  • When we start a project, we will finish it. It might take me some time to deliberate before I begin a project, but once I have committed, I’m in it.

  • I don’t have the answers and I don’t do things just because “that’s how they’re always done.” I approach my work with a team of mentors who challenge me and my thinking.


“I didn't want to work with a larger shop for whom I'd just be another client on the books; it was clear to me that Sarah self-selected her clients and worked deeply with them on launching their podcasts. Further, I found that, since she has this experience herself, it is very valuable, as she can draw from lessons learned as a podcaster.

There was no way I could've done this alone!”

— Kaitlin Solimine, host of Postpartum Production

My life has been transformed by podcasting, building a community, and finding my voice.

Do you want to spread compassion through podcasts?

I’m dedicated to helping you find your voice.

"Working with Sarah to create my episode for Breathing Wind was an incredibly affirmative experience. I really appreciated her attention to detail and the nuances that come with grief, which can be such a difficult topic. For me, being able to share this with friends and family helps them to understand me better."

— Cat, guest of Breathing Wind

Every message I receive about the impact of my podcast fuels me.

I want you to feel that, too.